Recipe Analysis

There are many companies that produce recipe analysis software and nutrition calculators.

Programs vary greatly in number of features, capabilities, and the extent of their food databases. Here are selected programs for PCs and hand-held devices. A few can be used online; some can be downloaded. Some are intended for professional use, others for personal and family use.

Those, featured in bold, are considered among some of the high-end, professional nutritional software, and may be offered at a discount to food editors and writers.

BeNutriFit Nutrition Manager
Cybernetic Dietician
Dave Johnson Nutrition
Diet Cruncher
Diet Sleuth
Diet Software
Dietitian’s Assistant
Food Finder
Food Processor
Food Smart
Kathleen’s Diet Planner
Life Form
Mealformation Software
NAT 2.0
NutriGenie Software
NutriStrategy Software
Nutritionist Pro
Nutrition Wizard 2000
Recipe Manager
Santé and Food Analyst
U.S. Department of Agriculture Nutrient Database
Wellness Wizard
WholeGrain Software